I come from a scrum perspective and the processes of scrum have affected my thinking when developing software, but since I am going to be working alone and scrum is all about the team I think I should change my approach a bit. So here is how I attempt to avoid the major pitfalls of developing alone.
1) Structure.
Developing alone is not unlike working for a boss but in this instance the boss is you. Because we know how to lie to ourselves and manipulate our own self image it is necessary to attempt to control ourselves through structure.
1) Structure.
Developing alone is not unlike working for a boss but in this instance the boss is you. Because we know how to lie to ourselves and manipulate our own self image it is necessary to attempt to control ourselves through structure.
Step one for me is to make a room the one and ONLY place where I will do considerable work. Set up the room with only work related objects keeping TVs and other distractions out. Yes, you can think of a problem when watching day time TV but you will not go anywhere before you get distracted.
The second step is accountability. Keep a log of all the time you are inside the work room. Decide the size of your work day and stick to it, overtime is acceptable but less than say 6-8 hours is not going to get you anywhere.
The third step is schedule make it, write it, keep it! Morning is the worst for me but the afternoon is when my girlfriend is home and I don't trust my night time decisions so morning it is.
2) Documentation.
This one is important, you have an idea for the next killer app, you close your eyes and can literally see it working, you can almost touch it. But can you describe it? Do that, start writing, follow established work flow and begin from the user description, move to high level design, down to lower level and implementation. Remember if you are alone there are definitely details you cannot think about all at once and most importantly you have no tester so while you are at it start writing test cases. Be thorough because this is the only time you are not be infected by your confirmation bias yet.
Do not begin writing code right away. You will re-write code either way but you do not want to spend a month on something to discover a bug that will force you to re-write everything. Think and most importantly write! Not everything can be set in stone but writing something creates a tangible goal to strive towards. It will keep you focused and it will enable you to deliver sooner rather than later or never.
3) Methodology.
This is still structure but it is related to the software side of things. The usual scrum rituals like daily stand up, planning poker and task board are out. Scrum in general is out and in comes Kanban.
Once your design document is ready create your backlog, estimate the work and get it all up in the board. Limit the work in progress according to what you can handle and keep your eye on the ball. It would be nice to work on the graphics now that the code kinda works but first clean it up, test it and make sure it is "Done, Done, Done." You will be swamped in no time unless you keep it lean.
Create a release schedule and stick to it, make yourself accountable tell your friends, wife, mom whoever that on this specific date you will show them the final version. Get it out there right after the demo don't keep on adding unnecessary tasks, features, optimizations. Trust in yourself and know that your first attempt will be awful but the experience you will gain is invaluable.
That is what I have so far as I start doing more work I will have more detailed information.
Till next time Stratos out.
The second step is accountability. Keep a log of all the time you are inside the work room. Decide the size of your work day and stick to it, overtime is acceptable but less than say 6-8 hours is not going to get you anywhere.
The third step is schedule make it, write it, keep it! Morning is the worst for me but the afternoon is when my girlfriend is home and I don't trust my night time decisions so morning it is.
2) Documentation.
This one is important, you have an idea for the next killer app, you close your eyes and can literally see it working, you can almost touch it. But can you describe it? Do that, start writing, follow established work flow and begin from the user description, move to high level design, down to lower level and implementation. Remember if you are alone there are definitely details you cannot think about all at once and most importantly you have no tester so while you are at it start writing test cases. Be thorough because this is the only time you are not be infected by your confirmation bias yet.
Do not begin writing code right away. You will re-write code either way but you do not want to spend a month on something to discover a bug that will force you to re-write everything. Think and most importantly write! Not everything can be set in stone but writing something creates a tangible goal to strive towards. It will keep you focused and it will enable you to deliver sooner rather than later or never.
3) Methodology.
This is still structure but it is related to the software side of things. The usual scrum rituals like daily stand up, planning poker and task board are out. Scrum in general is out and in comes Kanban.
Once your design document is ready create your backlog, estimate the work and get it all up in the board. Limit the work in progress according to what you can handle and keep your eye on the ball. It would be nice to work on the graphics now that the code kinda works but first clean it up, test it and make sure it is "Done, Done, Done." You will be swamped in no time unless you keep it lean.
Create a release schedule and stick to it, make yourself accountable tell your friends, wife, mom whoever that on this specific date you will show them the final version. Get it out there right after the demo don't keep on adding unnecessary tasks, features, optimizations. Trust in yourself and know that your first attempt will be awful but the experience you will gain is invaluable.
That is what I have so far as I start doing more work I will have more detailed information.
Till next time Stratos out.
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