Monday, September 5, 2011

Long time no C

And then it was vacation time and then vacation time was over...

Teachers and students are in back to school mode and so am I, so this is a post about going back to school work.


My app is coming along nicely, didn't get a lot of play time with the Xperia mini from the Sony-Ericsson loaner program but found two bugs that need fixing. Still loads of bugs remain, a help function doesn't exist yet and a couple of cosmetic updates for the app to be "ready-ready," then another month for "ready-ready-ready" you see where that one is heading, right? Last week I did a soft come back which was cut short cause I had to go to a job interview on Friday.

Job hunt is now on, I still haven't heard back from two folks that said they would meet with me over coffee to talk employment. I guess people are busy/away for labor day or they give the cold shoulder here by putting your address in their spam filter.

In an effort to become a better programmer I am reading Effective Java, solving Project Euler problems in Python and listening to the Java Posse during my walks. I am also planning to attend a web developer seminar and the largest AI class ever made.

It feels like the years I spent checking registers should have been spent sending JSON objects, doing CSS transforms and designing thread safe hash maps. It's never too late though loads of programmers are productive in their 30s... they take us out back and shoot us after 45 right?

Till next time,
Stratos out.

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